Use the registration form on this page if you are interested in taking the One Day Ham Radio Review & Exam sponsored by Washoe County ARES. To register for the Exam only, please use the link on our Exams page.
This is a review course and not a class. Students are encouraged to read the material in the ARRL Manuals or the Gordon West Books. The One Day Ham Reviews are sponsored and provided by the Washoe Amateur Radio Emergency Services. NOTE: You must pass the Technician Test FIRST, then you can take the General Test. You cannot sign up for the Technician review and General review on the same day, because both are taking place at the same time.
All Exams are $15.00 and due at the Exam.
8:00 AM - One Day Ham Review Begins
12:00 PM - Exams begins (approx)
REOC Training Center
5190 Spectrum Blvd, Reno NV