Wild Sierra Bike Ride

Calling all Hams - Volunteers Needed!

Who: The Alta Alpina Cycling Club

What: Wild Sierra Bike Ride

Where: Turtle Rock Park, Markleeville

When: Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Alta Alpina Cycling Club's annual fundraiser, the Wild Sierra, is an endurance bike ride in the mountains surrounding the Markleeville area, where riders challenge themselves to ride from 60 to 200 miles. Ham radio is used during the ride to communicate course safety and logistics issues. The bike club itself has a handful hams, but not enough for this all day event. In the past SNARS members have provided support for this ride. This is a great opportunity for our members to practice their portable operating skills and help out a wonderful group of folks!

Each ham gets assigned a shift and a location on the course, and will stay in contact with net control. Nearby course volunteers check in with the radio operator to report conditions/problems back to net control and vice versa. On the right is a map of the course. Mobile radio operators are needed from 6am through 11pm (though the very early/late shifts are primarily covered by the bike club hams). Shifts could be as short as 4 hours or as long as someone can stay. The more hams that volunteer, the better the course coverage will be, making for a safer, smoother event. Food and drink will be provided for all volunteers.

To volunteer your time, or to ask any additional questions, please contact:

Jennie Hamiter, KE7YBA
Alta Alpina Cycling Club volunteer coordinator