Field Day 2024 @ Washoe Lake State Park June 21-23

What is Field Day?

On the 4th weekend of June each year, Amateur Operators get on the air and show off their operating skills, equipment setup, practice of emergency response capabilities and of course to display to the public what amateur radio can do. The public is invited to attend along with our fellow SNARS members.

Planned Activities

Day Time Activity
Fri, June 21 12:00 PM Setup
Fri, June 21 6:00 PM Informal Get Together/Dinner
Sat, June 22 11:00 AM Radio Operations Begin
Sat, June 22 12:00 PM SNARS Saturday Lunch
Sat, June 22 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM New Hams Orientation
Sat, June 22 6:00 PM Dinner
Sun, June 23 11:00 AM Radio Operations End
Sun, June 23 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Tear Down and Lunch

Talk-In Frequency

147.150+ PL 123.0 / 147.210+ PL 100.0 - SNARS Linked System

Washoe Lake State Park

  • 4855 Eastlake Blvd, Carson City, NV 89704
  • Entrance Fees: $5.00 per Car ($10.00 for Non-NV Vechicles)
  • Camping Fees: $15.00 per vehicle per night ($25.00 Non-NV Vehicles per night)
  • Bike in: $2.00 per bike

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